The formation of Black Books


Black Books was set up in 1982 as a bookshop and advisory centre in Tranby Aboriginal College, Sydney.

The College itself has been running since 1958. It was set up mainly with church and union support, with the aim of giving Aboriginal people and Communities the training they want to do the things they see as best. People at Tranby several years ago saw that there was a great need for resources and advice on or by Aboriginal people. We saw schools under pressure to teach Aboriginal Studies, but without the funds or experience to get the best resource. We saw a number of books on the market which were either racist or exploitative, which offered a view of Aboriginal people which was inaccurate, simplistic or just plain wrong.

Some publications had material which may have been secret/sacred, and the permission of the traditional owners had not apparently been sought. We also saw a growth in the publications of white experts, some of which are very good, but which threaten to swamp Aboriginal Authors. 

So, in mid-1982 we started out by setting up a small bookshop in a front room at Tranby. We had the support of the College, but no capital and balanced credit and debit to build up- depending on the voluntary labour of staff, students and friends. We looked at all the generally available books we could find - around 300 - and sought the opinions of Aboriginal and Islander people, of schools and departments, and of non-Aboriginal people who are familiar with the literature and the issues.

We produced a catalogue of 250 books early in 1983 and most of our sales are through it, especially for country areas. This has been revised, and we are shortly to produce our 1985/86 catalogue with approx. 350 titles, and a list of music cassettes, flags, and other items. Phone 660 0120 to place your name on our mailing list.

- Maria Mackell, Co-ordinator
Glebe Society Bulletin, 1985(5), p3

Maria is a Society member who works at Tranby

Glebe Society Bulletin cover - click to read the article on Page 3

Glebe Society Bulletin - click image to read the article on Page 3